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Monday, 7 April 2014

Neca Pacific Rim Wave 3 Coyote Tango

As you could probably tell, i have really liked the movie Pacific Rim and i LOVE Neca's release of my fave jaegar, Cherno Alpha. So let's now take a look at Cherno Alpha's wavemate, Coyote Tango. Does he hold a candle to the fantastic Cherno Alpha? Well... yes and no.

Coyote Tango , according to the movie, was a mark 1 jaegar which means it's one of the oldest jaegar made. Piloted by Stacker Pentecost played by the charismatic Idris Elba, Coyote Tango appeared for about 5 minutes in the movie. So there's not much to know about the jaegar except it gave Stacker cancer due to the radioactive generator! Anyway, this figure... what can i say except it's beautiful!

Details are sharp and plenty, paintwork is much better than Cherno Alpha's and the proportion is beautiful. So what's the problem with the figure? Articulation.

Neca has made Coyote Tango with so much articulation, but none of them serve much purpose. And you can't blame Neca for this because due to how he's designed, Coyote Tango ranged of motion is severely limited. The head can barely move, shoulders and hips can only swivel forward, elbows can't move more than 45º at most, same deal with knees and the ankle joint barely works. Although arm swivels, wrist swivels and thigh swivels work fine. The best part though, are the giant cannons on the back, they swivels all the way to the front!

Look at all those lovely details

This is the most dynamic pose i could get him to stand in without the use of a stand.

Because of the limited ankle range, Coyote Tango will very often take a tumble from the shelf. But as flawed as he is, i can't help but to be impressed when i look at him. All in all, if you wanna get him, be aware of what you're in for, otherwise, he's passable.
Anyway, thanks for viewing!

1 comment:

  1. It's got to be the most Battlemech looking of them all.
